Adding a blog to your website has several benefits including better search engine optimization as well as more information for your potential customers.
Blogging may seem like a time-consuming endeavor but when you start to factor in how beneficial it is for your website and in turn your business's bottom line, it quickly starts to seem like a worthwhile investment.
The first and most obvious benefit of adding a blog to your website is more content. Most websites tend to be slim on verbiage, so a blog is a great way to add words to your website that relate to your business. These blog posts then have the potential to come up in Google search results when people are searching the internet for products and services like the ones your business offers.
Once the blog posts get indexed and are available to be found online, they'll start to generate free traffic to your website. This is an excellent way to increase visitation to your website without paying an arm and a leg for traffic.
Also, most websites tend to become stagnant, so blogging is a great way for you to keep your website up to date and also show the search engines that your website is active as opposed to collecting cobwebs.
Additionally, adding a blog to your website is a great way to keep your potential customers informed about new product and service offerings. You can even post on social media to let your followers know about your new blog posts or send out email blasts to your subscriber or customer base informing them of your latest published posts, which will also increase visitation to your blog.
Another reason why you would want to add a blog to your website is to remain competitive in the digital space. If other businesses like yours are blogging and you are not, their website gains an advantage over yours and allowing competing businesses to get a leg up is never a good thing, so another great thing about having a blog on your website is either getting ahead of your competition or at least keeping up with your competitors that are constantly adding fresh content to their websites.
Blog posts also give internet users content about your business that can potentially be shared. If another user finds great value in your blog post, they can link to it or share it with their followers on social media which will in turn bring about additional visitors to your website.
One important thing to make note of is that when you're writing blog content for your website, you want to strike a healthy balance between writing headlines and paragraphs that are relevant to your business while simultaneously keeping search engines in mind.
If your blog post content doesn't contain enough relevant keywords in it, it might not bring about as much traffic to your website as it potentially could, so it's important to write blog posts that contain keywords that are relevant to the products and services that your business provides.
If you overdo it though, the content seems forced doesn't read very well and ultimately results in low quality content, so you don't want to just dish out blog posts that are full of keywords but aren't necessarily enjoyable to read or don't provide users with beneficial information. The best thing you can do as far as this part of blogging is concerned is to be mindful when you're writing and trying to strike a healthy balance between verbiage that is pleasant to read and is informative, providing potential site visitors with useful information while also containing content and keywords that are relevant from an SEO standpoint.
More often than not, we see websites that either do not have nearly enough verbiage on them, haven't been updated in years, or a combination of the two. So first and foremost, blogging is a great way of keeping your website updated and ensuring your site has plenty of verbiage on it.
However, the SEO value of blogging is not to be understated. If you use a utility to monitor your website's traffic quantity and sources, after a couple of months of blogging you should definitely notice that your blog posts are driving additional traffic to your website and that your overall website visitation is increasing. If this isn't the case, you may want to reevaluate what you're blogging about or reviewing what the word count of your blog posts are and making sure they're not too short. We think an average word count per blog post of 800 words is a great goal to shoot for.
Lastly, if you feel that adding a blog to your website is valuable but don't think you have the time to dedicate each week to writing and publishing blog post content, you may want to hire a third party to do your blogging for you. This method will be more costly than doing it yourself but still reaps all of the benefits of consistent blog post publishing on your website
One of the core services that we offer here at Array Marketing Solutions is search engine optimization services, and blogging is part of a subcategory of SEO commonly referred to as content SEO. We do offer this service as a part of our SEO services for those parties interested in hiring an outsourced individual to do their blogging for them.
Since every website is unique in its needs, simply contact us via phone or e-mail for a quick and easy 15-minute consultation and let us know you're interested in blogging services, and we'll be happy to take a quick look at your website, briefly review your business and its goals with you, and let you know what the rate would be for us to add blog post content to your website.
Blogging certainly isn't the fastest way to bring traffic to your website, so if you're looking for an immediate boost in your website's visitation, let us know and we'll be happy to explain the pros and cons of pay-per-click marketing vs search engine optimization. That said, as far as the long-term health of your website and digital marketing strategy is concerned, we believe blogging is an integral component of a long-term marketing plan.
After accumulating months or even years' worth of blog posts on your website, as long as the content is rich, relevant, and of an adequate length, your blog will bring thousands of interested parties to your website without you having to pay directly for each click. If you have any questions about blogging, please feel free to contact us and we'll be more than happy to discuss the benefits of adding a blog to your website with you in further detail.